Validate Her Feelings

Your preschooler may act out because she is getting less attention from you now that she has a new sibling. Validate her feelings by saying: 'I can see...

Toddler Week 47

A World Of Discovery!Your two year old has now conquered the act of toddling, hence the word “toddler.” He has become a dominant explorer! With the added confidence...

Name Magnets

Kids love to see their own name, and with this craft they can make some really effective magnets to display their own artwork on the fridge - or...

Crossing Bridges

Little Libra turned 3 years old, 3 days ago and she's crossing bridges- literally. At her favorite playground, a bridge with criss crossed chains and holes big enough...

When Bad Things Happen: Discussing Tough Topics with your Child

By Mariel Uyquiengco No one enjoys explaining difficult topics to children. However, the pervasiveness of television, computers, and tablets has brought the news, both good and bad, right into...

12 Days To Christmas Calendar

By Katerina TiapulaHere is a wonderful way to get ready for the special day. For the 12 days prior to Christmas you can give a token treat and...

Nursery Rhymes: Effective Tools to Teach a Toddler

A big part of toddler development is learning. This is when toddlers learn their basics that will serve as the foundation of their skills. Teaching a toddler can...

More than a YES or a NO

Ask her questions that need more than a yes or no answer. Asking questions such as, "What was the best part of the play date?" or "What was...

Toddler Week 5

Exploring With His HandsFine motor skills are children’s ability to use the small muscles in their fingers, hands and wrists to manipulate objects. Fine motor development takes place...

10 Empowering Quotes About Motherhood

At MOMCENTER, we believe that motherhood is not limiting, but empowering. Here are a few quotes that we hope will inspire you today. :) YOU ARE AMAZING, mama! 1. “In...

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