Home Article A Quick and Easy Guide for Making your Pregnancy Scrapbook

A Quick and Easy Guide for Making your Pregnancy Scrapbook


Pregnancy is a life changing event. So it’s no wonder that many expectant mothers want to keep a scrapbook during pregnancy. It’s pretty easy to make

one, but with all the experiences you’re going through, how do you get started? 

 Scrapbooks are great records. They come in different shapes and sizes. There’s plenty of room for creativity. There is also a wide array of choices from

the scrapbook itself to accessories. Expectant mothers can use them as a record of the ups and downs they encountered during pregnancy.

Unfortunately it’s not as easy as it sounds. Women go through a lot during pregnancy. Pregnancy can also turn them into an emotional wreck. All that

information and excitement can be overwhelming. Fortunately there are ways in which you can make a nice, organized scrapbook for your pregnancy. 

1.    Keep a pregnancy calendar. This will serve as the reference for your scrapbook. This way you will immediately be able to write down memorable events in your pregnancy as they happen.  Don’t forget to have your camera ready, a picture can tell a story by itself.

2.    Plan ahead. You can make the scrapbook as your pregnancy progresses or assemble them all at once. It’s helpful to decide on a theme so you can coordinate your colors and decide on a layout.

3.    After buying materials the content will be in chapters. The first will be about your conception. It will depend on you on how much detail you put in.

The second will be what happened when you spread the word about your pregnancy. The third will contain the month by month account of your

pregnancy. You can separate the information about the doctor’s visits if it’s a lot to document. The fourth will about the ultrasound. The time you found

out about your baby’s gender and the sonogram pictures. The fifth will be about your baby shower. Coming up with baby names is very important and

deserves its own in chapter six.

The seventh can be your message to your baby or the delivery day.

Pregnancy is an important part of a mother’s life. Having your own scrapbook that will detail your nine months will serve as a nostalgic trip down memory

lane afterward. The best part is you can share it with your child when he’s grown up. Don’t forget a picture of your newborn as a fitting ending to your
