Home Article Air travel with a toddler – stroller; with or without?

Air travel with a toddler – stroller; with or without?

We’re spending C H R I S T M A S in my beloved Philippines! -ber months has started and I feel like I am already running out of time to prepare.  And since we are going with a 19-month-old-by-then toddler, I am kind of anxious on how I will be able to handle this.  It’ll be my first time to travel (looooonnnnggg) with a toddler.  I’m sure things will be alright but I just can’t help but get obsessed with how things would go.  There’s just soooo many things to think about and consider.  This is going to be LSP’s looong flight.  We flew to Madrid once and she was just about 4 months by then and it wasn’t bad at all.  It as just an hour flight though so I can’t really compare it to what we are about to experience.

So I thought perhaps, to start with “preparing” myself for the long flight,  I’d write some tips I find while I read articles about the subject matter and then my thoughts and questions as well, so I can get some first-hand tips from my readers.

Our flight is going to be about 20 hours in total including airport waits.  What I have been contemplating a lot for now is whether we should bring a stroller for Little Spanish Pinay or not.  Since this is going to be across continents flight and we don’t fly to Philippines quite often, I am pretty sure we’ll be packed up to the limits.  So the thought of having an additional stroller to think about and stash, etc is kind of pushing me back about bringing one.  Plus, we’d have to buy (or maybe borrow) a different one than what she already has since the one she has now is not precisely light.  

Still the thought of having another carry on apart from 2 carry-on luggages, my personal bag and a diaper bag, is making think back and forth.

This is what she currently has and it’s not really good for bringing in the airpot as it is everything but a light stroller.

LSP is going to be just 19months by then.  Obviously already walking.  She loves walking on her own.  So I am imagining she’d prefer to walk around on her own than being in the stroller during between flights waits – especially that everything is going to be something to discover for her.  If that will be the case, then perhaps a stroller will be just be an extra baggage for us.  Then again,  I start to imagine scenarios like what if we need to run from one gate to another or LSP gets tired – a stroller will be handy.  Plus we can also use the stroller to put our bags if LSP prefers to run around on her own.  But then, I can also just bring our baby carrier.  With it, I can run with her from one gate to another.  Plus since she wouldn’t have her own seat in the airplane, being in the carrier,  she can sleep on me and I’ll have my hands free to do something else like hold my hubby’s hand (hee!) or read a book or play DS.

I am still so undecided!  Hubby’s first inkling is not to bring one but he’s not really the type of sweating it out by trying to imagine different scenarios especially complicated ones.  He’s so positive about everything (even in life in general) that he doesn’t really consider much whether it is best to bring a stroller or not.

So, my dear bloggers… any tips and thoughts and kind words? 🙂

Blog Source: http://spanishpinaynanay.blogspot.com/