Home Article All about Primary Complex

All about Primary Complex

More and more Pinoy babies are diagnosed to have Primary Complex. My son Ren is not an exception, he was diagnosed to have it when he was just 1 year old and 2 months. I would like to share what I learned about this curable disease so that more moms and dads out there will know what to do.

What is a Primary Complex?

Primary Complex is also known as Tuberculosis and kids that live in Southeast Asia are most prone to have it. This bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) can be spread by an adult to young children through coughing, sneezing, talking, and even breathing.

What are the symptoms of Primary Complex?

  1. The most common sign is prolonged cough
  2. weight loss or loss of appetite
  3. enlarged lymph nodes in the neck area
  4. some may have fever during the afternoon
How does Primary Complex be diagnosed?

Ren was ask to undergo a chest x-ray. If the kid is negative with the chest x-ray the Pedia will advise you to have a skin test just to be sure.

How does Primary Complex be treated?

Ren’s pedia prescribed 3 medicines: Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide an Isoniazid (from UNILAB) the prescibed dosages depends on your kid’s weight. Ren took those medicines for 6 months then was advised to have a skin test again after 6 months to check if the virus is already gone. His cousin took it for 9 months to be virus free.

The pedia told us that all adults in the house should undergo a chest x-ray to check if there were any of us who have the virus since the child will not be cured if the positive adult will not also do something to get rid of the virus. It’s a good thing there was nobody in the house who had the virus back then.

Blog Source: http://livinglifetodfullest.blogspot.com/