Home Article Amniocentesis as a Precautionary Measure During Pregnancy

Amniocentesis as a Precautionary Measure During Pregnancy


Every parent hopes for the best for their baby. However, there are times when pregnancy problems begin to be a cause of worry. In this day of modern technology, every pregnant woman can choose from a wide selection of tests that will determine possible health problems of the baby.

These prenatal tests can determine whether the unborn child has untreatable health problems that may pose danger for both the mother and the baby. Educating yourself about these prenatal tests can save you from more pregnancy worries in the future.

Amniocentesis is a test that determines the unborn baby’s health and development. It is usually done between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy. The process involves getting some amniotic fluid and having it processed to rule out any genetic disorder in the baby.

Who should go through the amniocentesis test?
Amniocentesis is available to all pregnant women who want to check on the well being of their babies. However, the test is a must for women with a family history of birth defects. Older women should also subject themselves to an “amnio” test during pregnancy, as chromosomal birth defects are more common as a woman gets older. Mothers with Rh sensitization should also go through the test to avoid any major complication during pregnancy.

Why should you undergo the amniocentesis test?
A woman who is considered at high risk should go through the test. Aside from detecting chromosomal abnormalities such as Down ’s syndrome, the test can also determine whether the baby’s lungs are developed enough for early birth if the mother goes through premature labor in the latter stages of her pregnancy. Amniocentesis is more than 90% accurate and can also accurately determine the baby’s sex before birth.

Amniocentesis does not guarantee that all birth defects may be detected. However, it may identify certain neural tube defects and other genetic conditions such as muscular dystrophy, sickle cell disease, and cystic fibrosis.

The risks of amniocentesis
Although the test is relatively safe, there are still some risks that may be associated with it. Amniotic fluid leakage, bleeding, and uterine infection may follow after the test and may lead to complications in pregnancy.

Amniocentesis, when taken during the early stages of pregnancy, may also result to some birth defects. However, tests taken during late pregnancy do not pose such high risk to mother and baby.

The use of modern technology these days can greatly affect progress in the medical field. With tests such as amniocentesis that checks for pregnancy risks, mothers can evaluate the health of their unborn babies with the help of experienced medical practitioners and ease whatever concerns that go through their minds.