Home Article An Open Letter to All Riders

An Open Letter to All Riders


I don’t know how to say this without being to emotional but I’ll do my best to make my point.

Everyday, I hear news about motorcycle accidents here in the Philippines and I feel like the story is always the same. I wouldn’t elaborate on it anymore because it is not what I am supposed to tell here.

I know how dangerous riding a motorcycle is because our body is so fragile and you only have your head to protect. Of course, provided that you are wearing your helmet.

I know that riders are at the right age to know how to maneuver well on the road. Still, we need to be careful. We have rules to follow.

I admit that I get really angry when I see riders with their helmets on their elbows. I get angrier when I don’t see them wearing any helmet on. But what upsets me the most? Letting your kids ride with you without any helmet on. I just can’t bear seeing a kid, without a helmet, in between parents who have their own helmets. Do you really think this is fair? The worst I’ve seen was a newborn riding a motorcycle. This breaks my heart. Please make this stop.

I plead to the parents, the traffic enforcers and the all the motorcycle clubs in the Philippines to make this stop. These are innocent and fragile kids we’re talking. They can’t protect themselves. We, the parents, should know better how to take care of our kids and keep them away from harm. If you can’t afford a cab drive, take the public vehicles. This is not about income class. This is us protecting the children.

Again, please don’t let children, especially babies, ride motorcycles.

Source:  Green Minded Mom Blogs