Home Article Breastfeed vs. Artificial: What is Good for your Baby?

Breastfeed vs. Artificial: What is Good for your Baby?

Deciding whether to breastfeed your baby or not has long been the dilemma of mothers most especially for working moms out there. Comparing the benefits of both will help you decide which is best for your baby or perhaps find a compromise.
Experts always say that breastfeeding is the best for babies since breast milk is specifically designed to nourish babies in the best way possible that no other artificial formula can. Certain circumstances however prevent a mother to breastfeed her baby at all times and refer to milk formula instead.
Aside from the fact that breast milk is the cheapest way to provide nutrition to your baby, there are also numerous nutritional benefits that breast milk provides. It contains a well balance amount of amino acids, sugars, and lactose. The vitamins, minerals, and enzymes found in breast milk best aids the intestinal tract of a baby in its digestion. It also contains antibodies that fight infections that help lessen the chances of them developing acute and chronic infections early on in their lives. The high cholesterol content of breast milk, which promotes brain growth and supplies the building blocks of hormones, intestinal bile, and vitamin D compare to low level found on formulas, also makes it a perfect choice.
The disadvantages of breastfeeding on the other hand are when the mother fails to produce adequate breast milk for the baby or if the baby has an inefficient suck reflex. It is however unusual for a mother not to generate enough milk unless she does not breastfeed frequently or does it the wrong way. Breastfeeding may also provide a little more stress on the mother since a breast-fed baby eats more often than a formula-fed baby because breast milk is digested quickly and leaves the baby’s stomach frequently empty.


Formula is a practical choice for working moms since they’re not home most of the time. It also lessens the stress on the side of the mother since everyone can take turns in feeding the baby. It is also perfect when the baby has certain medical conditions wherein exact measurement of milk intake needs to be monitored.
The major disadvantage of milk formula is the expense that comes with it and the fact that not a single brand of milk formula can provide the ideal nutrients composition of breast milk.
Baby care always comes first so it is important to decide prior to the birth of your baby whether you will breastfeed or opt for formula. It is best to meet with the baby’s doctor to further discuss your options in order for you to provide proper nutrition for your baby.