Home Article Childcare basics: Fun activities for dads and their baby

Childcare basics: Fun activities for dads and their baby

The concept of childcare is oftentimes linked more to the mother than the father, but it doesn’t mean that dads should play a lesser role in parenthood. Both parties should share the “workload” because, after all, both parents are important in properly bringing up a child. Of course, being left alone to look after the baby may seem more than a little daunting to a dad, especially first-time fathers, but it can also be a great avenue to spend quality time with the newest member of the family. There are actually quite a handful of fun activities dads can do with their baby. Here are a few tips to help you get started:  

Just enjoy your baby’s company. Babies, particularly newborn, have very basic needs. And once important matters like milk and wet diapers are taken care of, you just have to let your baby know you are there. Hold him or tickle him, let him hold your fingers, make silly noises – anything really that makes your presence known to your baby is bound to be a good thing. This gives a child a feeling of love and security, something that goes beyond buying toys.

Sing, dance, and play music. Music is known as the universal language – with good reason. Everybody responds to it, even babies. So take full advantage of it and regularly play music or sing songs to ease your baby into a good mood. Of course, there are always nursery rhymes, but you could also try other things and experiment on different genres. You can even invent silly songs; your baby won’t know the difference. Over time you will observe just what kind of music your angel prefers. If you’re feeling a bit more animated, you can carry your little one and dance to the tune of whatever you’re playing.

Go sightseeing. Even if your baby is only a few months old, you will already notice his curiosity to explore his surroundings. By “sightseeing,” it doesn’t automatically spell out going around town. It can spell out something as simple as going to the backyard and letting him play there. It will definitely be a nice change from his crib or playpen.

Visit a park. If the weather permits, taking your baby to the park is probably one of the most fun things you can do. There are countless things to assail his senses and introduce him to a bigger world: from the smell of the flowers to the sounds of other children’s laughter.  

Just remember to always discern your baby’s needs and moods, and you will gradually have more than enough ideas to keep both of you occupied.