“Crossed Eye” Facts

“Crossed Eye” is commonly known as Eye Misalignment or Squint (also medically known as Strabismus). Most squints are caused by abnormalities of the neuromuscular (including brain) control of the eye movements, and less commonly caused by a problem with the eye muscles.

A squint can cause lazy eye in children. When the eyes are looking in different directions, the brain receives 2 different visual images. The brain ignores the image from the misaligned eye to avoid double vision, resulting in poor vision development.

Tan Tock Seng Hospital - Specialist Eye Clinic
FACT? Children outgrow crossed or misaligned eyes.


Children do not outgrow true crossed eyes. This misconception came about because of an entity called pseudosquint. In a child with pseudosquint, the eyes are straight but one/both eyes can hide behind the eyelid folds or wide nose bridge and appears like the eye is turned in.  At the eye clinic, the doctor will be able to examine the patient to tell the difference between a real squint and a pseudosquint.  

FACT? My child is only 1-year old. I think he is too young to be treated.


In fact, eye disorders in children must be treated as early as possible to prevent loss of vision and to optimise treatment outcomes. Early alignment of the eyes allows for the development of the brain’s ability to experience depth perception and fine 3-dimensional vision.

FACT? Eye misalignment (or squint) cannot be treated at all.


Treatment for strabismus/eye misalignment/squint may involve eye glasses, eye exercises and/or eye muscle surgery. The goal of treatment is to straighten the eyes and allow the eyes to be used together (binocular vision). Other problems present along with the strabismus, including lazy eye (amblyopia) are usually treated prior to eye muscle surgery.

FACT? Squint surgery is for cosmetic purposes.


It is a reconstructive surgery.  Treating strabismus can improve depth perception, the way the two eyes work together, and the field of vision.

FACT? Squint is hereditary.


Strabismus has a hereditary component. This means that a child with a strong family history of squints has a higher risk of squints. Eye disorders in children must be diagnosed at an early age to prevent loss of vision. Parents need to consult an eye specialist for a detailed examination.

FACT? Strabismus in children is harmful.


Strabismus in childhood is a serious problem because it can affect the development of vision and depth perception (stereopsis), resulting in lazy eye and the lack of depth perception in the child.

Strabismus can also be an indication of poor vision because an eye that sees poorly tends to wander. More importantly, strabismus may sometimes indicate a life-threatening problem. Strabismus is one of the common presentation of retinoblastoma (tumour arising from the retina) – the most common eye cancer in childhood.

Tan Tock Seng HospitalArticle contributed by:
Dr Leo Seo Wei
Consultant in-charge
Eye Alignment Clinic – Children’s Eye Centre
Tan Tock Seng Hospital



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