Home Article Don’t Let the Bugs Bite – How to Protect your Toddler

Don’t Let the Bugs Bite – How to Protect your Toddler

Most insect bites do not only leave traces of skin scratches but also deadly diseases that can endanger your toddler’s life. So don’t be lax when it comes to giving your toddler protection and doing all necessary precautions to avoid those nasty insect bites.
Although most insect bites itch temporarily and heal on their own, some bites can cause illness or allergic reactions, which are dangerous most of the time. Therefore, it is essential that you know first aids on insect bites, but most importantly, how to provide toddler safety.
The most effective way of protecting your toddler from insect bites is by keeping your home and surrounding clean at all times. Most insect especially mosquitoes, dwell on dirty places and often bring diseases. Maintain proper hygiene is the key in shooing insects away.
If your toddler loves to play outdoors, applying insect repellant is the best you can do to protect him from harmful insect bites. Make sure to get bug sprays that are dermatology approved for toddler use. You can also dress your toddler in long sleeves, long pants, and closed toed shoes but make sure to keep it extremely lightweight especially during summer.
It is also advisable to let your toddler stay indoors and avoid dark places at night since bugs come out more at night. You can also use a net over your toddler when he sleeps to ensure that he protected even when he asleep.
But let’s face it, you can’t really protect your toddler 100% from insect bites, so the next best thing you can do is to apply first aid on his bites. You can relieve any swelling or itching by applying a cold compress or an ice pack or ointment on the affected area.
If your toddler experience pain, you can use painkiller provided that it’s safe for toddler use. Anesthetic or steroid cream such as crotamiton cream can also be used to sooth the pain. Children’s antihistamine medicine will also help reduce the swelling and itching.
Sometimes, if your toddler scratched his insect bite vigorously and his skin get damaged, the area can become infected so keep in mind to look for areas of worsening redness, read streaks, increase pain or warmth, and pus discharge. If it looks infected, it is best to consult your doctor.
Toddler care against insect bites is probably the most important thing you can do for your child since most diseases come from these nasty insects. Time and time again it has been said that prevention is always better than cure, so keeping those bugs away is the first step in protecting your precious one.