Home Article Fever and your toddler

Fever and your toddler


Fever is perhaps among the biggest, most frequent concerns any mother will find herself dealing with, partly because of overactive toddler behavior and a weak immune system owing to their very young age.

All toddlers will be down with fever one way or another. Frequently, fever among toddlers is caused by constant contact with bacteria or infection from their everyday activities.

Fever among toddlers, therefore, is generally a normal part of toddler development. As any mother, however, you would know that complacency should be your last response to your toddler’s fever bouts. Strengthening their resistance through the food they eat, the environment they inhabit, and their general day-to-day habits will go a long way towards a healthier toddler development.

A healthy, vitamin-rich diet

Toddlers need vitamins to boost their immune system. Fresh fruits, especially citruses, are a natural source of vitamins that will help in a stronger toddler development and stronger resistance against infection. Make sure toddlers are receiving adequate amounts of the core food groups–carbohydrates, protein, and fat to build, strengthen, and maintain their bodies. Sodas, sweets, cold drinks or food must be kept at bare minimum. Tonsillitis from ingesting too much colds and sweets frequently brings fever, so avoid them.


Make your house a safe haven for your toddlers by disinfecting the sheets, couch, and everything easily reachable to your toddlers. Toddler behavior borders on careless sometimes, so look ahead and don’t let that filthy toilet easily accessible to them.

Toddler discipline

Active toddler behavior also means a carefree attitude bordering on carelessness at times. Teach them more disciplined toddler behavior by setting boundaries or limits they are fully capable of understanding and doing. Simple instructions such as not putting into their mouth every single thing they hold will pay off eventually, especially because contact with dirty hands are the suspects in most fevers.

Regular check-up

Have them regularly checked for any sickness or allergy that impedes in toddler development. This will help explain why certain children suffer from fever more often than others. Slight changes in color, loss of appetite and energy, and vomiting are usual symptoms of fever, but these may be something else. Make sure, therefore, that you do not lack in expert consultation before your child’s sickness worsens. Stock up on medicines as well so you won’t have to scramble for them in the middle of the night when your toddler suddenly gets sick.

Toddler development is incomplete without the once-in-a-while fever, but its commonness does not make it any less harmful, nor a reason for mothers to be complacent. Fever, after all, is usually a precursor of something else–at times, diseases that are far more serious.