Home Article Hand-me-down for your Baby

Hand-me-down for your Baby


Giving used baby clothing has been a common practice since babies grow fast and it would be a waste to throw clothes that were only used for a couple of months. This is okay as long as you personally know the person giving the baby clothes.

Unlike adults, babies are pretty much clean and do not produce too much sweat or dirt off their bodies nor gather germs unless acquired from adults that surround them. When you’re an expecting mom, there are a lot of expenses involve from prenatal check-ups, vitamins and supplements to baby needs. So receiving hand-me-down baby clothes will actually help you cut down on your expenses.

Baby clothes are easily outgrown so wear and tear will not be a problem. If you’re concern with the quality, you shouldn’t be since your baby will still be inactive until he starts crawling so hand-me-down clothes will still probably last until their strong enough to crawl.

Make sure that you properly wash hand-me-downs and use fabric softener to ensure that all dirt from the clothes long time storage are washed off and it feels good as knew. If you’re receiving clothes from close relatives or friends, it is safe to say that it is alright for your baby to use them.

As long as the buttons and snaps are on tight, not too much discoloration on whites and none of the thread is unraveling; your baby will just be fine. Nevertheless, avoid shopping for hand-me-down clothes since you don’t have an idea of where it came from. Just rely on clothes that your family and friends will give since you don’t need to stack up on your baby’s clothes because he will grow fast and will soon need new set of clothes.

Hand-me-down clothes are generally safe and since your baby’s skin is sensitive, proper cleaning and maintenance of these secondhand garments are the keys in making them safe for baby use. Your baby’s clothes need not be expensive because he will not use it for a long time. The important thing is that they’re clean and intact to ensure your baby’s safety.