Home Article How Ice Chips Can Lead To an Unhealthy Birth

How Ice Chips Can Lead To an Unhealthy Birth


Are you aware that certain hospital protocols can prevent you from achieving a healthy birth? If you are a first-time mom, you might cede to every protocol that the hospital wants you to believe as standard and harmless. Do you know that simple hospital protocol like IVs, fasting, and ice chips can affect a natural birth negatively? Three major reasons how ice chips can lead to an unnatural or complicated childbirth.

At the onset of your labor, some hospitals will require you to wear hospital gowns, get you an IV, and restrict you from taking anything orally. What you are allowed are couple of ice chips to chew and sips of water. A laboring mother has to concur to this hospital protocol to prepare her when natural birth is unlikely and assisted birth such as caesarean section is required.

No food means less energy
The standard protocol in hospitals may seem sound. However, for mothers aiming to give birth naturally, this practice may steer them away from their goal. Labor essentially means work and therefore needs sufficient energy for a natural birthing process. When there is no ample food and drink permitted to take, it means you would have less energy to brave labor and childbirth. Consequently, there is higher risk of birth complications, and you eventually ended up in assisted birth.

A mistaken mindset
Simply wearing a gown can make you think you’re sickly and weak. How much more if you will be administered an IV and not be allowed to eat or drink, but only ice chips? Wouldn’t it make you feel weak already? A woman about to give birth should have a clear mindset that she’s strong and capable of dealing with the process of labor through childbirth. Otherwise, a wrong mindset can make her feel anxious, less confident, and feeble to go through it.

Ends up in assisted birth
Women in labor, especially first-time moms, tend to lose heart when labor sets in. The practices that certain hospitals uphold can significantly weaken physical, emotional, and mental vigor of women about to give birth. Instead of treating them as spirited women to battle against the pangs of childbirth, the hospital could unintentionally turn them into feeling weak and sick. The inevitable ending is an assisted birth rather than the desired natural birth.

If you intend to give birth naturally, you should not simply submit to what the hospital thinks best. Increase your awareness and discuss them with your doctor prior to birth. For all you know, you are heading towards what you fear the most, an unhealthy or complicated childbirth that may potentially harm you and your baby.