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Make summer worthwhile with Kumon!

In this competitive and fast-paced world, we don’t want our children to be left behind. Parents of children as young as three or four are already concerned about their children’s future. So why not consider an early start in Kumon, especially this summer? The Kumon Method is effective no matter what age* the students begin.
Because Kumon instructors assign the just-right level to each student, the child will begin at a point that challenges and motivates him to progress in a pace that matches his abilities.   Also, the just-right level doesn’t necessarily correspond to the child’s current school grade level.  As a complementary after-school program, Kumon targets the level where a child can understand topics comfortably.  This way, he will be able to master the needed skills before he proceeds to the succeeding levels.
Starting Kumon as young as three usually decreases the chances of the child experiencing difficulties by the time he enrolls in a regular school.  But that doesn’t mean elementary, high school or college aged students cannot benefit from Kumon.
Regardless of age, Kumon aims to develop mastery of high school mathematics even during elementary years through the Math Program, and achieve an advanced level of reading comprehension ability and hone the ability to read widely by means of summarization through the Reading Program.  As students develop strong academic skills, Kumon also develops life skills needed for success.
However, Kumon is not a quick-fix solution. As with any skill, mastery is gained over time. If we are expecting our children to quickly gain the Kumon advantage after getting used to years of cramming and even playing video games before an exam, maybe we are stretching the limits too much. Kids could be very playful and mischievous, especially during toddler years.  
But these traits are indications that they have boundless energy and creative skills just waiting to be unleashed and utilized.  And Kumon aims to uncover just that. Through the challenges and difficulties children encounter as they progress with each Kumon level, they develop the skills and in time, build their character.
So, why not double the fun this summer with learning? Continue learning with Kumon!
*There is no age limit in Kumon; however, the Kumon instructor will assess first whether the child is ready to start Kumon.  The readiness of the child should be present in order for him to sail smoothly in the program.