Home Baby Baby Week 20

Baby Week 20


Language, Motor, Sensory And Routines

Technically you are now at the five-month stage! Well done! Give yourself and your family a pat on the back and take some time once more to reflect and take stock. How are you all doing? How’s your partner adjusting? Are you getting quality time together that you should get from time to time? How are your older children doing now? Are you getting help from your parents or perhaps enlisted a capable, willing caretaker? If not, why not? Remember your baby needs a wide circle of friends too! Social skills can be developed from an early age and will help her so much when he gets into that first pre-school!

This week…

Language development may be getting more complicated– some consonant sounds may be appearing now. Help encourage this by singing more songs, saying rhymes and poems to her.

You will observe developments in her motors skills again as she has become so much stronger.  When she is laying in her back and you pull her into a sitting position by her hands, you feel her helping you by trying to sit up – using her trunk muscles, arms and keeping her head very steady.  Also, one of the milestones you’ve been waiting for – rolling- should happen anytime now!  She will typically start rolling from back to front.  My two children both rolled from their back to their tummy and when they did it, I praised them, clapped for them and tickled them. 

For sensory development, try introducing finger paints – child friendly of course. Dip those fingers in a dab of paint and encourage her to make a mark on a piece of paper. Priceless handprints and footprints make beautiful greeting cards for family members and are a special reminder for you. On New Year’s Eve, 1999 my sister-in-law painted every family member’s hand and printed them on a panel in her house! That part of her house is now a very special place for everyone in the family.

She will still go through her routines – bedtime, bath time, and mealtimes, even more now she is beginning to develop so quickly. She may become more agitated and fussy if her routines are disturbed – or not in place. Babies, like children, feel safe when their boundaries and routines are clear.

Your baby will have a pretty good understanding of tonal implications in your voice. Don’t be shocked  if she looks upset or anxious if she hears an angry voice – especially if it’s yours!