Home Baby Baby Week 25

Baby Week 25


More Rolling And Vocalizations

Your baby is 25 weeks old today and is becoming much more mobile!  He has probably been rolling from back to front for some time now, but she is just a little more cautious. Rolling is a skill that is just starting to emerge and that’s okay as each baby’s pace of development is different.  But continue to give him opportunities to practice this new skill since he will soon start crawling!  If your baby is one who has been rolling from back to front for a while, this week you may see him roll from front to back.  Some babies, when they roll from back to front, gravity and momentum help bring their body over so they are on their back again.  I remember when my daughter started rolling, her momentum brought her over again and she got so startled. The look on her face was absolutely priceless!  I just started clapping and cheering for her that I think it calmed her nerves and she realized that what she just did was a good thing!

Another skill you will see emerging this week is your baby vocalizing more sounds.  You may hear your baby say “ma,” “da” and maybe even “ba.”  Don’t get confused, however, as much as you would like your baby to say “mama” or “dada” that will not happen for a while.  But, don’t let these early vocalizations stop you from repeating everything he says. Repeating words will continue to reinforce your baby’s behavior.  Some of the first vocalizations my son made after “m-m-m” was “ah-da” and “ah ma.”  Till this day, he is eleven months old now; I still repeat the vocalizations he makes when we are playing and even when I’m changing his diaper! 

Keep doing what you are doing because your baby is learning so much.  So hold on tight as he works hard daily to master all of his new skills!