Home Baby Baby Week 32

Baby Week 32


Good Sleep Habits

Your baby is 32 weeks old today and as your baby becomes a month older, that’s just as exciting as all of the developmental milestones she achieves!  If you already have routines established, you know how much easier it is with children because you know what to expect and so do they.  As well as establishing routines, encouraging good sleep habits is very important too. 

If you are one who has practiced good sleep habits with your baby religiously, give yourself a pat on the back because it’s hard to be consistent especially when you’re tired and when baby is sick!  Good sleep habits include allowing your baby to fall asleep on her own so that if she wakes up during the night, she knows how to put herself back to sleep.  That is one of the reasons why many sleep experts discourage the use of dummies during sleep time unless your baby wakes up and can find her dummy, put it back in her mouth and fall back asleep. 

If you are still getting up multiple times a night with your baby and it’s not a problem and you feel it works for you and your family, then by all means continue.  But, if you are getting more and more tired with each passing day, consider other alternatives – there are many books on managing your baby’s sleep and you should find one that you and your partner are comfortable with. 

I didn’t encourage good sleep habits for my children and in turn, they both woke up many times during the night and it was just easier for me to nurse them back to sleep because then I could go back to sleep.  This worked for my husband and I until they turned six months old and then we realized that it had to change because neither baby nor myself was getting enough rest.  My husband and I chose the route that fit our whole family’s needs.