Toddler Week 37


Decisions About Discipline

Decisions on how to discipline your toddler should ideally be made before the need for it arises. As your toddler is approaching the notorious terrible twos (which by the way are also the terrific twos!) you will need to have a basic discipline policy in place in your home. Here are some pointers to consider as you make decisions about disciplining your toddler:

  • When discipline is not grounded in a relationship based on unconditional love, it is punishment. Punishment causes the toddler to feel isolated and unwanted.
  • When making judgments about her behavior, try to view the world from her perspective. Ask yourself: Did she have her nap? Did she have a snack or is her blood sugar level too low? When was the last time I gave her my undivided attention? When was the last time I said something positive about her behavior?
  • Discipline consists of two elements – training and correction. When you have trained your toddler what is expected of her, the need to correct her decreases dramatically.
  • Always make sure that you communicate with her on a level that she can understand you when you train or correct her.
  • Make sure that your chosen method of correction (time out, experiencing natural consequences and withdrawal of privileges) is appropriate with her personality type and developmental level.
  • Avoid disciplining her in front of other people or when you are angry.                                                                                                                             

Many parents experience a lot of guilt when disciplining their children. Often books or articles make discipline sound too simplistic. As if one formula can be applied with equal success to every child. The reality is that all parents make mistakes, thus you will make some too. You and your child will grow, change and learn from these mistakes.  


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