Home Article Healthy Diet That Boosts Immune System

Healthy Diet That Boosts Immune System


By Celine Villadares

A healthy body is a result of a healthy lifestyle which includes the person’s food intake. Most often than not, we tend to overlook the food that we eat (plus the neglect on our part to get enough rest to recover from everyday stress at work). As parents, you have the role to be healthy just as much as you take the health of your children seriously. Help your immune system to fight for a healthy body; here are some food ideas to include in your diet:

Fruits and Vegetables:

In order to empower the system in our body in fighting for a simple virus or bacteria, we have to know which of the following food group are helpful. Look at the Vitamin C-rich food such as Kiwi, bell peppers, melon, broccoli, carrots and don’t forget your green leafy vegetables. Actually, the more colorful your vegetables are the better.


Yogurts contain healthy and “good” bacteria which helps our digestive tract to process well. As you would see in every yogurt label, they do put their word “probiotic” which means live good bacteria which helps our functional gastrointestinal tract in absorbing nutrients from food. Aside from lending a hand in our digestive system, yogurt boost immune system by maximizing the available vitamins needed by our body in order to work well.

Herbs and Spices

Asian countries are rich with varieties of herbs and spices, and for that reason, we must take advantage of it for our health! Take garlic for example, it has a lot of benefits especially to a person who has cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure. Another common spice we have is the cinnamon which we normally see mixed in drinks and pastries. It has an antioxidant effect which helps fight inflammation and help lower cholesterol in blood (beneficial still for cardiovascular!). Both herb and spice mentioned are good natural anti-bacterial and anti-viral which help your body fight invading pathogens!


According to a study, substances that are present in tea may help the body’s immune system to fight off pathogens. Most teas are known for boosting the sleep of some people, while we get to have a relaxing rest, our body recuperates and helps our immune system gather a stronger ground fighting off possible invaders in our body! Some examples of tea that helps our body are chamomile tea and ginseng tea; be careful though if you are mixing these with other type of food. Better seek the advice of your physician.

As parents, you have to protect your body as well so that you can live a long life for your children. Through rich food, we get to help our body become healthier.