5 Tried and Tested Ways to Help You Get Up on Time (And Before Your Kids!)


“Good morning mamaaaaa!” is one of the best and worst ways to wake up in the morning. Best, because you open your eyes to the cutest face of your toddler, who is less than an inch away from your nose. And worst, because this probably means you missed your own alarm clock. Darn it!

Between preparing breakfast, dressing up your kids, packing for a day out, and maybe even squeezing some time in to catch up on work—getting a head start on your day before the rest of your household is up and about is certainly ideal. A quiet morning to yourself will give you the time to do your morning rituals and the space to pray, exercise, journal, read, and plan—giving you an extended sense of calm, composure, and control over how your day will go.

Here are a few tried and tested tips that will help you get up on time (and before your kids!)

1. Prepare. Write your to-do list the night before, choose your outfit for the next day, prepare your breakfast, and arrange your things for work. That way, you can go to sleep in peace not just because you already know exactly what it is you need to focus your energies on, but also because all the other small things have already been done. Feeling groggy the next morning won’t be such a struggle because all of your things are ready for you!

2. Leave your alarm clock far away from your bed. We’re all guilty of hitting the snooze button, daily…the only difference is probably the number of times we do it. Hitting the snooze button is just as good as saying “no thank you!” to the possibility of starting a new day with enthusiasm and excitement. Kick this habit out the door by keeping your phone at a distance that will force you to get out of bed to turn it off. Our suggestion is to keep it in the bathroom. 😉

3. Stretch. Warm up your muscles by stretching your back, limbs, and neck. This will bring heat into your body, priming you for your early morning exercise. There’s nothing quite like a good dose of endorphins to guarantee a good day.

4. Drink a glass of water. Your body goes for several hours without water at night, especially if you are nursing a baby! A surefire way to energize your body and your mind is to hydrate yourself after hours without water.

5. Wash your face/Brush your teeth. Do one, or the other, or both! Use cool water, or a strong menthol toothpaste to wake up your senses. We promise you will feel refreshed and alert!

Listen mamas, while getting a head start on your day is every busy woman’s dream, there are also days during which getting those extra hours of sleep are more crucial to your productivity than waking up early.

Try to be aware of your body and the cues it is sending you. Some of the time, sleeping in is not a bad thing…it is all just a matter of not making it a habit, and always working towards growth…because the truth is that it affects your overall quality of life in the long term. 🙂


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