Home Baby 7 Simple Ideas to Keep Your Baby Busy

7 Simple Ideas to Keep Your Baby Busy

So that you can work for a bit 😉 How do you keep your babies busy, mommies?


Image Credit: Unsplash/Daiga Ellaby

It’s been more than 3 months since we’ve been on quarantine and during all that time, my husband and I stayed home with our 2 kids, juggling childcare, our work tasks, and even household chores. If this were regular circumstances, we would have the help of our stay-out ate and even our family. But we’re living in extraordinary times and we have to make do with our current situation.

While we are very much grateful that we still have work, parents of small kids will know that working from home while also taking care of a baby is no walk in the park. It takes a bit of creativity, a lot of patience, and lots of hours of lost sleep. If you’re in the same boat as us, here are a few ideas to keep your baby busy throughout the day – so that you can work (or nap) for a few minutes in peace.

Do tummy time

If your baby is old enough (and yet young enough to not yet cruise or walk or crawl), let her do tummy time for about 3-5 minutes for a couple of times a day. Doing so can strengthen her neck muscles and allow you a few minutes to type it out in your keyboard. But do remember to look in on her every once in a while.

Let them have fun in the playmat

If you still don’t have one, invest in a play mat. And lay them on it to play. Include toys to keep her occupied, you can also cycle or alternate her toys to keep her interested.

Sing to her

Sometimes, babies just want to be engaged, so you can sing to her for a few minutes before settling her down on the playmat. And if she still wants more tunes, you can play nursery rhymes on your Spotify for her.

Give her a busy book

You know those cloth or felt books that has ABC’s, small dolls, or colorful shapes with Velcro in them? Those are busy books and they can keep small hands busy. Works every time for my baby – she loves listening to and ripping apart those Velcros. Plus, seeing all those colors and shapes should be good for her too, right? Get them from Quack and Meow or The Rainbow Unicorn Manila.

Set up a sensory bin

Aside from giving her age-appropriate toys, you can also set up a sensory bin for her using everyday household objects. You can include cups, spoons, small balls, and even an assortment of Tupperware that she can play with. She can have fun with the textures and the best part, will most probably leave you alone for a few minutes.

Give her a clean box

If your baby is crawling and cruising, then she’ll most probably have fun with a clean, big box. More so if she has older siblings.

Stay, play, and leave

One way to make all these tips effective is to set up the activity for your baby and play with them for a few minutes. Once they’re absorbed with the activity, step away. Chances are, they’ll continue playing and give you a few minutes for work or chores.

Remember to always check on your baby every a few minutes or so to ensure that she’s safely playing and OK.

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