Importante din Tayo! Why Breastfeeding Moms Need Self-Care

Breastfeeding moms need all the Momma Love they can get 😉 How do you do self-care, momma? 🤱🏻


Being a nursing momma is no easy task.  On top of the challenges that come with nourishing your baby, the demands of work and your responsibilities at home add to your stresses.  And how often do you see yourself deprioritizing your personal needs, momma?  This makes having a regular self-care pause a necessity for you to recover from this oftentimes exhausting situation.

“As a momma myself, I know that motherhood is a 24/7 job.  It truly is a fulfilling and a joy-filled experience and you always want to give it your all.  Sometimes though you need to slow down and have your own self-care moments, especially those who are breastfeeding.  They need it to recuperate and to help sustain them for the long haul,” said Tam Salonga – Patińo, an exclusive breastfeeding mother. 

Self-care has been defined as a deliberate activity that one does to care for one’s emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being.  For nursing mommas, like you, you can go for a walk where it is safe to do so, enjoy a healthy treat, try  journaling or scrapbooking,  practice yoga or meditation, have a long, warm shower, reconnect with friends online, listen to soothing music, or watch funny videos.  Whatever you fancy, the key here is using the time to nurture your self.  

When done regularly, a 30-minute self-care pause can do wonders for you.  Aside from providing that much needed breather, relaxation can help you produce more milk for your little one.  

Nestlé Philippines, makers of  MOMMALOVE®,  launched a company-wide initiative that urged all its nursing momma employees to take a self-care pause every day.  Dubbed as MommaLove Yourself, this 30-minute self-care breather is a welcome pause for them.  Aside from sending out reminder e-mails to do self-care, they were also provided with auto-reply messages that they can use while they are having their me-time.  Hopefully, this initiative inspires other companies to follows suit.

“Successful breastfeeding is possible to achieve if a breastfeeding momma has the support of everyone around her, including her employer,” added by Zay Abjelina of NESTLÉ HR.

MOMMALOVE® is a lactation milk drink that helps nourish lactating mommas with its  malunggay, iron, calcium, and folate content.  Nursing mommas wanting to get tips as they go through their breastfeeding journey can also get a dose of encouragement and support through its blog and social media page.

“If we are able to encourage mommas to do self-care and inspire other Companies to do the same for their breastfeeding employees, then we know we have done our part in helping nursing mommas enjoy their breastfeeding journey and ultimately raise happy and healthy kids.  That’s because a happy breastfeeding momma will be able to better care for her baby.” concluded by Mitzie Antonio, HR Director of NESTLÉ Philippines. 

So, nursing mommas, please go ahead and give yourself a little time to MOMMALOVE yourself!

*Published with Nestle MommaLove


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