Tie Dye with Markers

Don't worry about the big dye mess or colored fingers. All you need is the Staedtler permanent marker, a t-shirt, rubbing alcohol and a few supplies. Even the...

CordLife releases cord blood to treat cerebral palsy

MANILA, Philippines - CordLife, homegrown cord blood banking leader, announced the release of a cord blood unit for the first time to treat a case of cerebral palsy...

What you don’t know may hurt your child

Mom, did you know that at age two to six, your child is at his most vulnerable? This is the stage when his immunity foundation is not yet...

Preschool Learning Environment Best for your Child

Being a mum involves a lot of knowledge and discovery. We learned about our baby's nap schedule, swaddling and making baby food. During toddler years, we studied managing...

Pregnancy Diet: Limits on food you eat

Going through pregnancy asks for a number of lifestyle changes and limitations to some of the things you love to do such as pregnancy diet. Specifically...

Teaching Moments: What Can You Do In 30 Seconds?

An easy way to nurture the brilliance in your child for just 30 seconds in a day. After reading the title of this article, you may be a little...

Bringing Your Baby Into the World: The 101 on Common Types...

Most of the time a delivery does not require medical intervention but specialists are still needed during child birth. Sometimes complications develop along the way and mothers have...

To Painless or To NSD- that is the Pregnancy Question

One of the dilemmas of pregnancy is to decide whether to go painless or stick to the traditional normal spontaneous delivery (NSD). Get the pros and cons of...

Bringing up Baby: How to Raise up a Survivor Preschooler

No matter how much amount of time you have in your hands, it's still impossible to look after your preschool child at all times. It is inevitable that...

Preschoolers and Dentists: The First Encounter

During preschool age, kids experience the most number of fears. They are afraid of the dark, ghosts and large animals. However, what makes it so hard for parents...

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