Role Model for Young Children: A hard but not impossible task

Young children usually look up to adults for guidance and advice regarding life in general. Act what you preach. Parenting young children entails showing them good examples because...

Pregnancy Talk: Breastfeeding and Contraceptive Pill

Like pregnancy, breastfeeding entails mothers to be careful on what they put in their bodies especially taking in medication that might have an effect on the breast milk...

Baby Needs: Choosing the right breastfeeding equipment

Experts cannot emphasize any further how healthy breast milk is for babies. If you chose to breastfeed your baby, you're giving him the best without spending a fortune....

Anxiety behavior in young children: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 101

It is considered normal for young children to worry about all sorts of things, and to express their fears quite openly. This may come in the form of...

Eating disorder among young children: Growing concern for parents

Young children nowadays are living in a very superficial world where people are overly obsessed in having that perfect 10 body. Chubbiness results to being ridiculed by classmates...

Basics of pregnancy: A quick overview of progesterone and breastfeeding

Many women immediately suspect that they’re pregnant if they miss their period. And while this may be true in many cases, it doesn’t mean that it is applicable...

Alcohol effects on birth: Why drinking is bad during pregnancy

There is just no way to put it mildly: if you’re pregnant – and even if you just suspect that you may be expecting a baby ...

Pregnancy 101: Antidepressants and Breastfeeding

Pregnancy is a very challenging time for any woman. Drastic changes happen to the body, which often result to chronic depression that sometimes leads to alcohol and drugs....

Birth Stories: Books to read to your Baby before Birth

It has been a widely known fact that playing classical music and reading books to a baby greatly helps in developing and nurturing his brain development and senses....

Philippines Tote

The tote is painted with red and blue, Philippine flag colors. The stamp decoration on these colors represents palm fronds, so important to the Filipino culture.Painting Lesson: Taping...

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