Musical Art Plates

This is one of the favorites of many children because the creativity level is high and you can play with it later. Many projects you do will give...

The Dangers of Early School Enrollment

My Nanay used to tell me that I was not too crazy about starting school as a kid. In fact, she had to force me to attend kindergarten...

Baby Sleep Problems and Solutions Part 2

By: Mark Fynn There are many solutions to the problems associated with getting your baby to sleep. One of the most effective has to be creating the correct...

Rent or Buy: Why Renting a Home is Not That Bad

Think buying a home is always the better option? Well, there are cases when renting one is ok too 🤓

Preschool Learning: Preparing a Lesson Plan that Works

Preschool is a crucial stage for the development of your child so it is important that you ensure that he  gets the proper amount of learning and activities...

Preschoolers Friendly Lunch Ideas that will make them want for more!

Preschool children are active by nature and needs more energy and nutrients to keep them going all day. That is why it's important for you to think of...

Pregnancy Changes Everything-Lifestyle and Financial Matters

During pregnancy, you'll notice how it affects your lifestyle and start to feel its implications on you financially. It's important to be prepared for these changes in order...

Fighting the Flu and Protecting your Child

It’s that time of the year again, when the flu bug strikes! Influenza, or commonly known as the “flu”, is a contagious illness that can affect anyone, including...

Trick or Treat! 6 Ideas to Celebrate Halloween at Home

What are your trick or treat plans this Halloween, mamas? 🎃

Comfortable Nightwear

Keeping the family clothes closet neat and clean is one of the things I manage to monitor in my home management.  I often tell my househelp to sort...

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