Iligtas Sa Tigdas Ang Pinas!

  Iligtas Sa Tigdas Ang Pinas is a Door to Door MR Immunization Campaign vaccinating children 9 month to below 8 years old. Here is an English version of...

How to Raise Well-Rounded Achievers Without Being a Helicopter Mama

For the past couple of weeks, I've been seeing a lot of Facebook friends posting graduation and recognition photos of their children/nephews/nieces/grandchildren. I posted one myself of me and...

How I Made It Through Motherhood, So Far

For a mommy blogger and a know-it-all person like me, I usually take advantage of celebrations (especially Mother's Day) to take some credit for my efforts. I want this...

Baby: Buying a Crib for your Newborn

Having a baby is an exciting thrill that comes with shopping privileges. First thing that comes to mind is the major purchase of a crib which could be...

A Tribute to Moms Who Have Kids with Special Needs

It's weird (in a good way) how a lot of women, who have met for the first time, could easily click and bond with one another when they...

Furuncle is Pigsa

I have a Furuncle and it hurts like hell. Last night we decided to pop the eye out. I almost die. It was so painful. I was thinking...

The Tomatis Method: Is it for your child?

"V, can you please turn off the light?" I tell my 9-year-old daughter. She looks at me, appears to hear me, but goes on watching TV. So I...

‘Tsek’ for Exclusive Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a milestone event for every new mom and her child. Knowing that there is a life depending on you for love, affection, nutrition and survival is...

Teaching Preschool Kids the Meaning of Independence

June 12 is a special day to celebrate as a united and free nation. How can you turn this day a patriotic event with the whole family, especially...

In Buying Organic Baby Clothes

Dressing up your babies with clothes made from materials free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals is indeed a wise choice to make. Organic baby clothes are becoming...

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