Pregnancy problems 101: Get the Basic Facts on Urinary Tract Infection

It's a given that pregnancy entails a lot of developments in a woman's body. Of course your hormones undergo several changes to help you prepare for your baby....

How to Prevent Stretch Marks in Pregnancy

During your pregnancy, stretch marks are inevitable. Pregnancy brings about a lot of changes in a woman's body. Your skin will stretch as you put in a lot...

5 Complications You Need to Watch Out For During Pregnancy

Many first time moms will admit that getting pregnant temporarily turned them into highly paranoid hypochondriacs. Every small symptom becomes a trigger to google diseases, and WebMD suddenly...

On the Fence About Getting Pregnant Right Away? Here’s a Perspective...

I got pregnant 3 short months after I married my husband. We married hoping and praying I would conceive right away because I had numerous complications that could...

Pregnancy Week 16

Inside Your BodyYour baby is now the size of an avocado (11.5cm) and weighs about 100g.  However, each baby will grow at his/her own pace and babies’ weight...

When the Earth Shakes: What You Need to Prepare Your Family...

The recent earthquake incidents have left many of us shaken, pun completely intended. And while it may be easier to pretend they didn’t happen and hope that they...

4 Simple Breastfeeding Preps for Preggy Moms

I prepared myself for my breastfeeding journey even while I was pregnant. And you can too! Here are a few easy-peasy tips on how to do so 😉

Birth choices 101: Decisions you have to make before labor

Now that you are nearing your birth date, you need to make important decisions related to the arrival of your baby. But of course, since the onset of...

Things for you to know on inducing labor during birth

The prospect of the birth of your baby is bound to bring much excitement to you, especially if you're a first time mom. After months of preparation, you'll...

Pregnancy issues: Are x-rays good or bad when you’re expecting?

It's quite safe to assume that just about everyone has heard comments stating that x-rays can possibly be harmful when conducted during the course of pregnancy. The assumption...

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