Amniocentesis as a Precautionary Measure During Pregnancy

Every parent hopes for the best for their baby. However, there are times when pregnancy problems begin to be a cause of worry. In this day of modern...

Pregnancy Week 35

Inside Your BodyYour baby is pretty big by now at 2.5kg and has reached its full length for delivery at 50cm.  There is possibly not much space for...

Team Kramer’s In Vitro Journey to a New Baby

Team Kramer fans are excitedly following the journey of the whole family as they work and pray for baby number four. During the early part of February, Doug...

Delivering Malaya – My Accidental Home Birth Story

I gave birth to our second daughter at home. Here’s how her birthing became proof of how much she embodies her name 😅

Pregnancy Week 32

Inside Your BodyYour baby is now 47cm tall and weighs 1.8kg.  Your baby’s skin is no longer transparent and her skin is just like yours, but softer.  As...


Welcome, little Manu 😍❤️

You Look Like Such A Mom Now! Why We Believe This...

By Patricia Gonzalez “You look like such a mom now,” I’ve been told...more times than I can count since the birth of my first born 2 years go. This...

Pregnant? Watch Out for These Ingredients in Your Skincare Products

We’re sure you have already heard the basics — no smoking or alcoholic drinks, no sushi, and consulting a Doctor before taking any kind of medication. But just in case you didn’t know, you need to be cautious about your skincare and makeup as well.

Motherhood is Made Cool by the Youtube Stars of What’s Up...

If you’re looking for a funny, relatable, and highly informative youtube channel for moms, we recommend “What’s Up Moms”. “Momfriends” Elle Walker and Meg Reskinoff met during their college...

Pregnancy Fashion Trends (What a pregnant mom should wear this 2012)

Pregnancy is not a license to wear drab and feel drab. A pregnant mom who thinks she can't be in fashion because she's pregnant is getting it all...

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