Pregnancy Week 37

Inside Your BodyYour baby is considered to have reached full term even though there are 4 more weeks to go.  If you baby decides to come out now,...

Pregnancy Week 31

Inside Your BodyYour baby is looking cuter and cuter as his/her features develop.  He/she is now 1.6kg and 45.5cm tall.  Nature is now working on the lungs of...

Pregnancy Week 25

Inside Your BodyYour baby is now 23cm and weighs 680g.  He/she is developing blood vessels in his/her lungs and his/her spine and joints, as well as ligaments.  Your...

Empowering Millions of Moms Enjoy their Pregnancy with Pregnancy +

Philips Avent, one of the world’s leading mother and childcare brand, is actively supporting parents through their journey with the launch of Pregnancy +, an application designed to...

Pregnancy Week 4

Inside Your BodyYour body is like a madhouse as many things are happening this week with some changes continuing into the next few weeks. Firstly, your sweet blastocyst has...

Pregnancy Week 24

Inside Your BodyYou are gaining weight and so is your baby, who is gaining about 170g per week.  Your baby is now about 21.5cmand 560g.  He/she is putting...

Pregnancy Week 12

Inside Your BodyYour baby has grown into an adorable human figure and is now 14g (doubled the weight in just one week) and 5.5-6cm long.  But your baby...

Pregnancy Week 7

Inside Your BodyWow, your baby is now as big as a blueberry.  From the ultrasound scan, you will see your baby’s tiny hands and feet sprouting from the...

Pregnancy Week 36

Inside Your BodyYour baby is slowing down in its height growth but going full steam ahead with a growth spurt in terms of weight.  Your baby is still...

The Dangers of Measles for Pregnant Moms

Take care, mamas ❤️

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