How protected is your child’s body armor?

As a mother, have you ever wondered what could have happened if your own mom was able to take extra good care of your skin? Would your legs be as smooth and as flawless as that of a model? Would you have grown up not experiencing those itchy episodes you have on your skin when exposed to too much sun? Possibly….after all, past, present and future skin problems and blemishes may have been and can be prevented by early skin care. That’s why it is never too early to start caring for your child’s skin. So here are some easy-breezy tips to keep your child’s body armor happy and protected!

TIP # 1: Squeaky Clean Hands 101
Start early! Teach your kid how to properly wash his hands to help protect him against many bacteria and germs. It will also help prevent germs from spreading to other parts of the body.

TIP # 2: For his sensitive skin
Make sure that you use skin products that are specially formulated for your child’s sensitive skin. Make it a habit to carefully read the ingredients found at the back of kids’ products. It is also best that you regularly consult with your pediatrician on products that are suitable for your child’s gentle skin.  

TIP # 3: Sun protect him!
Protect your child’s sensitive skin against the sun’s harsh rays. Educate him on the harmful effects of staying under the sun too much. Studies have shown that one’s highest sun exposure happens before the age of 18. Applying kid-friendly sun-block, wearing a hat and protective clothing may help prevent sun-related problems in the future.

TIP # 4: Terramycin is mommy’s new BFF!
Let’s face it…kids will be kids! And having scrapes, minor cuts and bruises will always be a part of their growing up years. But you need not worry too much because you have an ally in Terramycin! Remember when it comes to wounds, soap and water just won’t do. With Terramycin, you are sure that wounds are cleansed and protected from infection from the outside to the inside. Don’t forget these 2 steps in taking care of your child’s wounds:  Step # 1: Clean and disinfect wounds with Terramycin Wound Wash (Povidone Iodine) 10% Solution. Step # 2: After cleaning, apply Terramycin Plus (Polymixin B Sulfate + Bacitracin Zinc + Neomycin Sulfate) Antibacterial Skin Ointment to protect wounds from infection. Its triple antibiotic action goes deep into the wound–healing it fast.

Hey mommies! Got more skin tips? Visit our forum thread on Skin Care Tips and add up yours!


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