Pregnancy Week 22

Inside Your BodyYour baby is now 19cm and weighs over 400g.  Your baby is now having a lot of activities in your tummy like sucking her thumb, gulping...

Pregnancy Week 38

Inside Your BodyThe growth and development of your baby has slowed down considerably and this is a good thing, because if growth of your baby continues at the...

Pregnancy Week 34

Inside Your BodyYour baby continues to grow at a phenomenal rate to 2.25kg.  His/her height has almost reached its full term height at 49cm.  Your baby’s skin is...

Pregnancy Week 6

Inside Your BodyYour baby continues to develop quickly. It is now the size of a lentil.  This week is marked by the rapid development of a number of...

Does `pregnancy weight gain’ affect your baby’s gender?

People are now looking into methods that will give them the baby of their choice before pregnancy.  Pre-conception gender selection has become a popular topic in some couples....

Breast-feeding moms who have asthma could help strengthen their kid’s lungs

A new study claims that breast-feeding is related to better lung function in school-age kids specifically those who have asthmatic mothers. Researchers from Switzerland and the UK have...

Pregnancy Week 14

Inside Your BodyYour baby measures about 9cm, or  the size of a lemon, and weighs about 42 g.His/her brain is now working and responding to simple impulses. His/her...

Pregnancy Week 26

Inside Your BodyThis week is the most important week in your baby’s life as it is only during this week your baby will begin to develop surfactant, which...

Pregnancy Week 39

Inside Your BodyYour baby continues to prepare for birth and is now about 3.4kg and still about 50cm in height.  His/her muscles are getting stronger, and your baby...

Pregnancy Week 27

Inside Your BodyYour baby will be approximately 25cm and weighs almost 1 kg.  During this period,your baby’s eyelids will begin to open and he/she will be developing the...

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