Dealing with Child’s Hearing Loss or Impairment

By Ma. Yvette Heart Calimlim Hearing is one of the important sensory organ that we have and a child’s ability to hear and speak is essential for their emotional, educational...

Nose Bleed

I panicked the first time I experience nose bleeding with my kids.  Thankfully, the doctor assured me that nose bleeds are rarely cause for alarm and common in...

Tips and Tricks to Discipline “Misbehaving” Kids

I must admit that handling kids who misbehave is way more challenging than I thought when I wasn’t a mom yet. Thankfully, there are many resources and communities...

TIMELINE: Rizal babies switched at birth

Sinubaybayan niyo din ba ang story nila, mommies? 😮

Reasons Why I Used Cloth Diapers for My Baby and Why...

Friends have persuaded me to use disposable diapers because of convenience. This might be true, but using cloth diapers for my baby’s delicate skin and preserving the environment are much more important than convenience for me.

Hand Doll Puppet

The envy of all the girls at daycare. Age: 3 and up This project is rated Easy to do. What you need Styrofoam ball Edging or decorative trim Small crap piece...

Mariel Padilla Gives Birth to Baby Gabriela

Congratulations to the new parents 👶🏻

Parenting During a Pandemic: How to Raise Mentally Healthy Kids

How are you and your kids coping these days, mamas? ❤

Does `pregnancy weight gain’ affect your baby’s gender?

People are now looking into methods that will give them the baby of their choice before pregnancy.  Pre-conception gender selection has become a popular topic in some couples....

You Deserve it! Easy Ideas for Quick Me-time Moments for Moms

By: Michelene Lagdameo Ask any mama and she will tell you that a whole day (or weekend, even!) to herself to do absolutely everything she wants is all she...

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