Baby Week 51

Language & Communication: Pointing And VocabularyAre you thinking to yourself, “I just can’t wait until my baby starts talking, it would be so great to know exactly what...

Baby Week 30

Parent Interaction Is Your ChildYour baby is 30 weeks old today!  Have you been keeping a journal of all the milestones she has reached?  Your baby’s first tooth,...

How to Deal with the Allergies of your Baby

Babies are also susceptible to allergies like adults. A baby's immune system is not yet developed so it will be easier for him to get one. There are...

Cutting that first tooth

The normal process of teething (the eruption of teeth through the gums) involves the swelling of gums, pain and irritations. It will happen throughout the first few years...

Action Speaks Louder than Words: Understand your Baby’s Body Language

Since babies can't talk, they communicate through their actions. So it is important for you to know and understand what your baby's trying to tell you through his...

Nursery Songs

Nursery songs are examples of songs that have great rhymes and simple beats and rhythm. These are also great songs to be silly with and change the words.

What if exclusive breastfeeding is not possible?

While exclusive breastfeeding remains the ideal approach to your child's quite fragile nutritional requirements, there may be instances it is not possible--for medical and other compelling reasons. In...

Baby Week 22

Social & Motor Skills Along With Weaning & TeethingAround the 22- week mark, your baby will not seem much different than she was at 20 weeks or even...

Validate Her Feelings

Your preschooler may act out because she is getting less attention from you now that she has a new sibling. Validate her feelings by saying: 'I can see...

Introducing your Baby to Semi Solid and Solid Foods

Taking care of a growing baby is quite a challenge. Apart from the sleepless nights there are hundreds of baby products out there. There's a huge market for...

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