Classical Music and Pregnancy: Bonding with Your Unborn Child

Classical music is soothing and relaxing and this is something that the baby will definitely appreciate. Any super mom surely must have known about the fact that classical...

Sterilizing Bottles Made Easy and Effective

Did you know that during the first 12 months a baby’s immunitary defenses are low? Thorough sterilization of everyday objects are therefore fundamental to prevent gastrointestinal infections or...

Pregnancy checklist 101: What to ask before a prenatal test

For any woman, pregnancy is bound to be a time of much excitement and anticipation. This marks the months when your body gets ready for the arrival of...

Top Three Pregnancy Indicators

You may be one of the thousands of women all over the country who are trying to conceive a child and may be anxious in determining whether they're...

Essential questions about giving

First time moms have numerous questions about birth. An understanding of this is crucial to make birth successful. In asking questions about childbirth, pregnant women must not only...

Chores that you Should Avoid which may Affect your Pregnancy

  Pregnancy brings in a lot of changes in the mom’s body that affect her daily activities. Her nesting instincts may go on overdrive to ensure a healthy environment...

Contraception queues encourages tensions in Philippine churches

For the past 14 years, 34-year old Lorna Villar has given birth seven times. Her last pregnancy caused her blood pressure to rise to dangerous levels. She now...

Criteria when looking for a Cord Blood Bank

All expectant parents are aware that being prepared before, during and after pregnancy is a must, but how prepared are parents for the future of their child? Getting a...

Pregnancy Week 4

Inside Your BodyYour body is like a madhouse as many things are happening this week with some changes continuing into the next few weeks. Firstly, your sweet blastocyst has...

The Power of Pregnancy Facebook Contest

Did you know that studies have found that babies in the womb are able to experience all of its mother’s emotions? The connection between mother and child from...

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