Pregnancy Week 28

Inside Your BodyAs you enter your 3rd trimester, most of your baby’s organs and organ systems are not only formed, but are also functioning. Your baby is now...

Birth Matters: Fighting Fatigue and Stress during Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings about a lot of changes in a woman's body. It entails a lot of birth pains both literally and figuratively. As your body works double time...


Welcome, little Manu 😍❤️

Keep looking after your legs

Remember to stop crossing your legs and prop them up whenever you can to minimise varicose veins. Monitor your weight gain to ensure you are not gaining...

Pregnancy Week 33

Inside Your BodyYour baby is now over 2kg and 48cm in height.  He/she is accumulating fat underneath his/her skin and gaining a lot of weight.  This will continue...

Breastfeeding Benefits for Both Mommy and Baby

We often hear the health advice “Breastfeeding is best for babies for up to two years and beyond.” Indeed, no other milk can measure up to your liquid...

What is #LetsTalkLetsListen? Find out from Isabelle Daza

Let people coping with mental illnesses know that we got them by reaching out, talking and listening to them 😌

Pregnancy Week 31

Inside Your BodyYour baby is looking cuter and cuter as his/her features develop.  He/she is now 1.6kg and 45.5cm tall.  Nature is now working on the lungs of...

10 Empowering Quotes About Motherhood

At MOMCENTER, we believe that motherhood is not limiting, but empowering. Here are a few quotes that we hope will inspire you today. :) YOU ARE AMAZING, mama! 1. “In...

Reproductive Health Bill on Teenage Pregnancy

  Teenagers have never been as socially active as they are today. Apparently, many of them are blinded by their false assumption that they're judicious and emotionally guarded in...

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