Holidays And Pregnancy: Celebrating Christmas While Expecting

Pregnancy is a very exciting time for any woman, particularly those who are first-time moms. If you happen to be expecting a baby during Christmas, it's bound to...

Is Acupuncture during Pregnancy Really OK? What You Need to Know...

Pregnancy brings physical discomforts, wonderful though the prospect of eventually giving birth is. To cushion these pregnancy concerns, moms may opt for the road less traveled, so to...

Christmas in the hospital: Managing your birth period during holidays

Just the thought that you're nearing your time of birth is bound to prompt you to launch into a series of daydreams about the arrival of your baby....

It’s Not for Everybody: Are Birth Doulas Right for You?

Pregnancy's many challenges to the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of women often take their toll if proper support is not extended before, during, and after birth. While...

Things for you to know on inducing labor during birth

The prospect of the birth of your baby is bound to bring much excitement to you, especially if you're a first time mom. After months of preparation, you'll...

Pregnancy overview: Getting an idea about your first chiropractic visit

It goes without saying that pregnancy entails a lot of changes in a woman's body. That's perfectly understandable, of course, given that your hormones and different systems are...

Pregnancy problems 101: Get the Basic Facts on Urinary Tract Infection

It's a given that pregnancy entails a lot of developments in a woman's body. Of course your hormones undergo several changes to help you prepare for your baby....

Taking care of relationships during pregnancy

Pregnancy--a wonderful stage ushering in a new and changed life for a family. With pregnancy comes many adjustments in preparation for your little bundle of joy's coming, and...

Pregnancy checklist 101: What to ask before a prenatal test

For any woman, pregnancy is bound to be a time of much excitement and anticipation. This marks the months when your body gets ready for the arrival of...

Essential questions about giving

First time moms have numerous questions about birth. An understanding of this is crucial to make birth successful. In asking questions about childbirth, pregnant women must not only...

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