Birth choices 101: Decisions you have to make before labor

Now that you are nearing your birth date, you need to make important decisions related to the arrival of your baby. But of course, since the onset of...

Essential prenatal baby tests: Contraction Stress Test

Mothers undergo prenatal tests to check various conditions of their baby. These tests have one aim: to check the readiness of the unborn baby. One such test is the...

Pregnancy 101: Old Wives’ Tales

That nine-month-long wait called pregnancy causes so much excitement, and with that, the yearning of every expectant mother to shed light to certain questions about this stage and...

Pregnancy Diet: What to Eat When Expecting

It just makes sense that proper nutrition and diet should play an important role in any woman’s pregnancy. After all, your body undergoes a long string of changes...

The Truth About Delivering Via Waterbirth: Benefits and Risks

Most women opt for the conventional childbirth method of lying down, often inside a hospital delivery room, with the supervision of doctors. There are, however, other methods of...

3D ultrasound exam for your baby

All pregnant women undergo ultrasound testing, a modern way of looking at the baby inside the womb, often used to determine the baby's sex. Ultrasonography has been around since...

Preparing your dog during pregnancy for baby’s arrival

  Preparing the household for a new family member should always include your pet dog. Dogs are intelligent creatures and can be trained to do certain things and avoid...

Non-stress test for baby before birth

Among the prenatal tests your incoming babies will go through is the non-stress test--a painless examination done to ensure that yet-to-be-born babies are healthy before birth. What happens during...

Breech Position and Breech Birth: What You Need to Know

A baby in the breech position can make your penchant for a natural birth highly unlikely. That's because a caesarean delivery is regarded as safer. Here are some...

How to Manage Morning Sickness with a Pregnancy Kit

If you experience morning sickness during your early pregnancy, you should be glad. That means you're having a healthy pregnancy. You might wonder how morning sickness can be...

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