Toddler Week 103

IndependenceIndependence enables  preschoolers to cope with the demands of their daily lives in preschool, amongst their peers and in their relationships with their parents and other adults. A...

Toddler Week 30

Learning About ColorsTeaching your toddler about colors will  improve her communication skills by enabling her to ask for specific colored things she wants. It will also enhance her...

Toddler Week 45

Music To My Little EarsMusic is a remarkable “instrument” that can relax us, provide needed inspiration or teach our children basic learning skills.  Music also provides a common...

Toddler Week 101

CuriosityAlbert Einstein once said: ‘I have not special talents, I’m only passionately curious.’ One of the greatest scientists of all time shares that trait with all three year...

Toddler Week 79

Bath Time LearningAside from cleaning your toddler, bath time (or tubby time as we called it in our house!) can provide so many great opportunities for learning, sensory...

Toddler Week 12

Your ToddlerEmotionally intelligent people are a pleasure to be with. They understand and are in control of their own emotions and have empathy for the emotions of others....

Toddler Week 6

Mealtime BattlesToddlerhood is a transition phase when it comes to children’s dietary needs. This is the time when you can start introducing more solid food to toddlers in...

Toddler Week 44

No More Diapers, Need I Say More?Before you decide that your child is ready for that wonderful and challenging adventure called “Potty Training”, you may want to consider...

Toddler Week 19

Play TimeToddlers may find themselves lacking time to explore the world through free play as more and more extra-curricular activities for them spring up; parents feel compelled to...

Toddler Week 95

Sharing Is CaringToddlerhood can be filled with moments of firm resolve – on the sides of both the parents and the child! You will have to look far...

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