Toddler Week 32

Shopping With A ToddlerShopping with a toddler can drive the most placid mother over the edge. After eleven years of shopping with a toddler by my side, I’ve...

Toddler Week 71

Sorting And CategorizingSorting and categorizing is a great introduction to pre-math and numeracy skills. Learning these skills in a hands-on way will allow for stronger retention and understanding....

Toddler Week 3

Step By Step AheadTaking those first steps on their own is a milestone for all children. However, some children start walking on their own well before they turn...

Toddler Week 23

Magical Nursery RhymesDid you know that the even cadence of the meter used in nursery rhymes helps establish emotional security in a child? There is a significant research...

Toddler Week 1

Help Him TalkBabies’ first year is a magical time. They’re not only starting to assert their independence by walking on their own, but are also learning to form...

Toddler Week 39

High Tech ToddlersOne of my children is attracted to anything with a screen. I’ve seen him learn things faster and in greater detail than he would ever have...

Toddler Week 85

Self ConfidenceA well known quote by Author Alvin Price once said: says: Parents need to fill a childs bucket of self-esteem so high that the rest of the...

Toddler Week 76

Building Math Skills, Naturally!Having fun and free play activities that double as premath activities is a simple way to expose your toddler to learning math without her even...

Toddler Week 87

A Bouncy Ball Called ResilienceOne of the hardest lessons to learn in life – even for adults – is that what matters more in life is not what...

Toddler Week 80

Inside Rainy Day ActivitiesIt’s important that everyday your toddler has a chance to release energy and get those wiggles out. It can help bring some sanity to chaos,...

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