5th Breastfeeding Congress

  Date: August 1-2, 2017 Time: 8:00 AM Venue: The Manila Hotel The Philippine Pediatric Society in cooperation with the Medical Center Manila (Manila Med) Department of Pediatrics will be hosting the...

MOM GOALS: Jessica Rey

Former pink power ranger turned mompreneur behind the American swimwear brand, Rey Swimwear gives us a peek into her busy, ever changing, and inspiring life. Can women do...

Emotional Stress of Bed Rest on Pregnancy

Pregnancy can take a toll on a woman's body, which can sometimes lead to physical strains that forces a woman to take bed rest. But instead of helping,...

Morning Sickness: Dealing with Pregnancy’s Roller Coaster of Emotions

Pregnancy is a life-changing event for a woman-not just physically but as well as emotionally, which sometimes lead to a roller coaster of emotions that if not addressed...

Pregnancy Week 31

Inside Your BodyYour baby is looking cuter and cuter as his/her features develop.  He/she is now 1.6kg and 45.5cm tall.  Nature is now working on the lungs of...

I Endured an Itchy Pregnancy, Thanks to PUPPPS

PUPPPS is that annoying, itchy rash you might suffer during your pregnancy. Find out what it is and what you can do about it.

Solving Your Maternity Wardrobe Woes

Throw out the oversized dresses, sweat pants, and your hubby’s too-big tees as well as the misguided belief that you’re not supposed to look good when you are...

4 Simple Breastfeeding Preps for Preggy Moms

I prepared myself for my breastfeeding journey even while I was pregnant. And you can too! Here are a few easy-peasy tips on how to do so šŸ˜‰

Three Helpful Reminders for Expecting Mommies

A pregnant mother knows she has to take care of herself for inner and outer health. For nine months, Mommy knows thereā€™s a miracle growing within her. Scary? Not...

Breastfeeding Benefits for Both Mommy and Baby

We often hear the health advice ā€œBreastfeeding is best for babies for up to two years and beyond.ā€ Indeed, no other milk can measure up to your liquid...

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