Welcome, little Manu 😍❤️

What Most Filipino Moms Worry About Their Pregnancy

In the Philippines, being a mom is never easy. Apart from looking after yourself, you are expected to give full and direct baby care simply because you are...

Enjoying your 12 Weeks Pregnant Journey

Going 12 weeks pregnant now? There are just so many ways to celebrate your 12 weeks pregnant bump! And there’s no time to begin like ...

Natural Childbirth: The Best Way To Give Birth?

Choosing natural childbirth does not mean opting for the primitive and painful way to give birth. It means choosing the safest and the gentlest way to give birth...

Pregnancy Week 35

Inside Your BodyYour baby is pretty big by now at 2.5kg and has reached its full length for delivery at 50cm.  There is possibly not much space for...

Classical Music and Pregnancy: Bonding with Your Unborn Child

Classical music is soothing and relaxing and this is something that the baby will definitely appreciate. Any super mom surely must have known about the fact that classical...

Pregnancy Week 19

Inside Your BodyYour baby is about 15cm long and gaining a lot of weight at 230g.  He/she has been living comfortably in an aquatic environment so far.  Imagine...

Hairy Talk: How can Parents Better Take Care of their Kids’...

How often do you shampoo your kids’ hair, mamas? Do you also use a conditioner? A skincare professional weighs in 🙂

Pregnancy Week 40

Inside Your BodyAt birth, your baby may weigh anywhere between 2.7-4kg and at an average height of 50cm in height. Your baby is more than ready to come...

Heart Evangelista Shares Heartbreaking News About Her Pregnancy

Our hearts go out to the Escudero family 😔

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