Teenage Pregnancy in the Philippines – Causes

Any parent would be scared to hear from their teens the lines "Mom, I'm pregnant..." or "Dad, congrats... you're going to be a grandpa soon." Any parent will...

It’s Not for Everybody: Are Birth Doulas Right for You?

Pregnancy's many challenges to the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of women often take their toll if proper support is not extended before, during, and after birth. While...

Don’t Believe Everything They Tell You: Here are the Pregnancy Myths...

For thousands of years now, there have been a lot of beliefs formed regarding pregnancy-from food cravings to identifying the baby's gender by position. If you plan to...

MOMGOALS: Martine de Luna

Martine de Luna is a woman who seems to have it all, meeting every modern mom goal imaginable. She is a wife to Ton and a homeschooling mom to...

Preparing for a New Baby : Getting Older Siblings Involved

Some people said, things should be 'easier' for us when baby no. 3 arrives, because Anya and Vai are older. Anya is 7yo and Vai is 4.5yo now. Well, frankly,...

Is Acupuncture during Pregnancy Really OK? What You Need to Know...

Pregnancy brings physical discomforts, wonderful though the prospect of eventually giving birth is. To cushion these pregnancy concerns, moms may opt for the road less traveled, so to...

MOM GOALS: Jessica Rey

Former pink power ranger turned mompreneur behind the American swimwear brand, Rey Swimwear gives us a peek into her busy, ever changing, and inspiring life. Can women do...

Dear First Time Mom

By: Deanne Dimacali Dear First Time Mom, Let me tell you the truth: motherhood is laced with idyllic stories and tempting fantasies. I'm looking at you now, your 8-month pregnant...

Understanding Breastfeeding While in Pregnancy

  World Breastfeeding Week and your pregnancy World breastfeeding week is celebrated globally from 1st to 7th day of August each year and Malaysia is one of the active participants....

Classical Music and Pregnancy: Bonding with Your Unborn Child

Classical music is soothing and relaxing and this is something that the baby will definitely appreciate. Any super mom surely must have known about the fact that classical...

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