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Activities to Encourage Creativity in Your Kids

By Celine Villadares As an adult, we know that being creative spells being born with talent. We may blame the genes that we get from our parents but who...

Little Beauty Gurus — Can Our Kids Use Our Makeup?

It's quite common to see kids putting on makeup these days, either for fun or even on social media. But we have to ask, are our makeup ok for our kids? 🤓

The 5 Emergency Numbers You Need to Leave with Your Caregiver

Does the thought of leaving your baby, even if just for a few hours, still give you nightmares? We totally understand. BUT, if you would ever like to...

Use The Colours Of Light To Create Art

Light is fascinating. Not only does it travel in waves and contain all the colors of the rainbow but its staggering speed is used as a measure for...

Funny Kids Vines Compilation 2016

Wrap up your 2016 with these hilarious kids videos! Try not to laugh and let us know if you make it! LOL

Dear Co-Parents, We Need to Talk

Parenting and instilling the right values take time and hard work, but here are a few easy and practical ways that might help us raise decent and civil humans 😉

How to Do Errands with Kids (Without Going Crazy!)

Any new mom will agree. Becoming a mom gives you an entirely new repertoire of skills that involves a whole lot of multitasking. And if you ever want...

The World’s Toughest Job

No matter what kind of mom you are--a working mom or a stay at home mom, being a mother is a 24/7 job. To be a mom and it...

10 Tips for Raising Healthy Eaters

Despite your best efforts, your kids may not be eating as well as you’d like them to. Many parents are concerned about what their kids eat (and don’t...

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