Tamang Kid And Infant Nutrition: Overcoming Hurdles

It’s not a surprise why parents love to follow the Tamang KAIN (Kid and Infant Nutrition) program for their kids. Tamang Kain provides assurance to parents that healthy...

How to Help Our Kids Understand Holy Week

I had very fond childhood memories of how we spent Holy Week as a family. I remember buying palaspas on Palm Sunday outside the church, visiting different churches...

The Benefits of Ballet

By Mariel Uyquiengco A lot of girls naturally gravitate towards the leaps and twirls of ballet. They badger their parents to enroll them in ballet lessons for kids. Most...

My Book of Shapes

Have your child write and illustrate her own book of shapes. It's up to you how you want it to come together! Maybe you will take...

Read a novel

Do you love reading, but lately all your reading time has been swallowed by parenting books? Make time to read inspiring fiction - even if it is only...

Toddler Week 20

Singing And MusicThere are many fun activities to do with your toddler to encourage a love for music. Most toddlers, after all, love listening to their parents as...

Imagine that!

  Find out the many fantastic ways that parents could foster their child's imagination. Imagination is an important, but often overlooked, tool for a child's growth and development. By age...

5 Tips to Minimize Your Kids’ Screen-Time This Summer

By: Kyle Lasalita Let’s face it, screen-time is a parent’s number one enemy and no matter what we do there seems to be no escaping it. I personally believe...

Arts and Crafts at Museo Pambata

Date: October 15,2017 Time: 2:30PM Venue: Museo Pambata, Roxas Boulevard corner South Drive, Manila Keep track of your reading progress with a spooky bat bookmark! Learn how to make one with...

Toddler Speech Delay

Toddlers learn language at different rates, but it usually falls in a general timeline. If your toddler doesn't seem to follow communication timeline, it's best to consult with...

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