6 Ways to Protect Your Kid from the Dangers of YouTube

Time to own up mommas! Who here has at one point or another surrendered their smartphone or tablet to their kiddo to get a moment of peace and...

Vitamins for Kids: Is it Really Necessary?

As parents, we always want to best for our kids, especially when it comes to their health. We get worried and lose sleep when they get sick. And...

Bonding Time: Ideas for What To Do During A Hotel Staycation

It’s the season for travel and vacation. For a lot of families, however, the idea of going on a hotel staycation, which is basically staying in a hotel...

Kids Health: Healthy Snack Ideas Your Kids Will Also Love

As a mother, I know that I must make sure that my child gets proper nutrition - what with the demands of school and my daughter being in...

Gadgets: A Risk On Your Child’s Health?

Technology has its advantages. Hands down, we cannot deny that inter-connectivity, communication and the general quality of modern life were further enhanced by the development of modern technology particularly...

Kati-Kati! 6 Home Remedies for Your Child’s Insect Bites

With limited patience, the kids will scratch the insect bite with so much effort and this at time results to removing the top surface of the skin causing the insect bite to worsen or result to a wound. With their delicate skin, it is important that the first line of treatment to be given is all natural.

Parenting Mistakes That Can Make Your Child a Brat

I don't think any parent dreamed of raising a bad seed. That's why we Google all our parenting questions away, frantically in search of the "trade secrets" that will best teach us how to deal with the little ones. But quite frankly, we sometimes contribute to why they act the way they do and acknowledging four of these mistakes bring us a step closer to disciplining them.

5 Things to Remember When Your Toddler Says “No”

Understanding the Toddler’s Negativism Stage There are times she just likes to say “no” to anything and everything that you say. Despite a display of negativism showing at age...

Patty Laurel-Filart Shares How Traveling with Kids can be a Breeze

It’s summertime, dear mommies! After being in school for several months, it’s time for the little kiddos to relax and enjoy their summer vacation. Time to play around...

Kidnapped — Basic Safety Guidelines Every Parent Should Know

These days when warnings of child kidnappers are so prevalent, what can we actually do to ensure that our kids are not the next victims?

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